Mumbai, named after the mother Goddess Mumba Devi, is a booming center for media. Its history with the media is often dated back to the colonial period when, in 1780, Irishman James Augustus Hicky launched the “Bengal Gazette,” a newspaper he largely used to mock his personal adversaries. India’s first test transmission for television wasn’t until 1959, but Mumbai has since taken on a central role in India’s media boom, playing host to a number of globally recognized companies including Disney India and game developer Ubisoft. Below we’ve gathered a list of the companies keeping Mumbai’s media landscape rolling.
Media Companies in Mumbai
- Kuku FM
- Shemaroo Entertainment
- GoQuest Media
- Motion Work Studios
Media Companies in Mumbai to Know
Shemaroo Entertainment is a media and entertainment conglomerate that offers content in a variety of genres that include comedy, kids’ entertainment, devotional, non-fiction and fiction shows. It also operates over 50 YouTube channels, its OTT platform, ShemarooMe, and broadcast channels such as Chumbak TV, Shemaroo Umang, Shemaroo MarathiBana and Shemaroo TV. The company has been active for more than 60 years and boasts a library of over 7,000 hours of content.
Motion Work Studios enables brands to expand their digital presence and interact more with their consumers. The company offers a wide variety of services, including animation, virtual reality, mobile game development, web design, video editing and augmented reality.
Global gaming company Ubisoft is behind popular gaming franchises Assassin’s Creed, Watch Dogs and Just Dance. Its Mumbai office was established in 2018, and teams there work specifically on the company’s console gaming projects. Ubisoft has 57 locations around the world and employs more than 20,000 people.
Enfusion is a growing SaaS fintech company that enables the buy-side marketplace to monitor risk, manage workflows and make investment decisions for their customers. The company says it plans to scale its global presence with heavy investment and hiring in India and the US throughout the next three to five years.
Global entertainment and media giant The Walt Disney Company has several operations in Mumbai, including an ILM animation studio and a corporate office. The company makes content for film, television, games and digital media, operates theme parks and produces consumer products. The Walt Disney Company employs more than 200,000 people around the world.
Multinational entertainment company Sony Pictures Entertainment makes movies, television shows, music and games. The Mumbai office serves as the corporate headquarters for all of India, where it maintains locations in six different cities. Sony Pictures Entertainment employs nearly 10,000 people around the world.
Asymmetrique provides brand solutions for marketing issues to a variety of clients throughout an array of industries. It aims to offer modern digital integration, in contrast to traditional creative advertising that it considers outdated. The company says it behavioral research to glean consumer insights to ensure its clients’ long-term success.
WATConsult serves under Dentsu International as a hybrid digital agency that creates advertising campaigns with narratives based on art and data. It has offered social media, content and digital brand strategy to over 600 Indian clients since 2007. The company has offices in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.
DNEG is a visual effects and animation studio. It has worked on productions including Dune, Foundation, Dunkirk, Doctor Who and The Wheel of Time. DNG has won seven Academy Awards for Best Visual Effects. Its Mumbai location is one of ten studios around the world.
Viacom18 Media produces on-air television, videos on demand and motion pictures. It owns more than three dozen brands, including MTV Beats, VH1 India, COLORS and Nickelodeon. Viacom18 Media is headquartered in Mumbai, and maintains locations across India.
CSC offers business solutions, including SaaS, advanced entity management and regulatory compliance. Its Mumbai office tailors services to local needs, enabling businesses to stay competitive without worrying about cybersecurity.
Digichefs is a boutique digital marketing agency that offers integrated digital marketing services. It aims to bolster its clients marketing vertical through its creative communication, technology and execution strategy. The company says it has worked with over 300 startups and established brands since 2015.
Kuku FM offers an audio entertainment platform that can be accessed through its website or its mobile app on Android or iOS. It provides services that include audiobooks, audio series, audio shows, guides, adaptations, courses, book summaries and musicals in more than eight languages. The company seeks employees that are passionate about the world of audio entertainment.
Blink Digital is a full-service independent digital agency that guides brands through innovative technology and media experiences. The company aims to help its clients create innovative brand experiences, describing itself as existing at the crossroads of media, technology and creativity.
GoQuest Media is a global entertainment company that focuses on the distribution of scripted formats and dramas from worldwide markets. The company began its platform to distribute South Asian content globally, and has expanded to several markets in territories that include Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. It has local sales presences in Latin America and Turkey, and additional offices in Vietnam and the United Kingdom.
ZEE is a content media group that publishes digital and broadcast news through regional, national and global channels. It also operates theater events and live entertainment, produces and distributes movies, and publishes music. In 1992, the company brought the first private satellite television channel to India, and has since grown to reach more than one billion global viewers.
Technicolor makes visual effects and motion graphics for films, television, games and advertising. The company’s studios include The Mill, MPC, Mikros Animation and Technicolor Games. Technicolor opened a brand new studio in Mumbai in 2023, intended to serve as a hub for filmmakers and content creators in the Indian film industry.
The Times Group publishes The Times of India newspaper, the country’s best-selling English language daily paper, in addition to other publications and media productions. It operates across various platforms, including print, digital, television and radio. The Times Group was established in 1838 and has its headquarters in Fort, Mumbai.
Growth Hackers is a performance marketing agency that addresses both short and long-term growth challenges for both funded startups and multinational corporations. Its expertise covers the fields of lead generation, organic growth, content marketing and return on ad spending. The company says trials and iterating on results are central to marketing campaign success.
Digital media agency FruitBowl Digital provides digital marketing strategies, specializing in engaging and interactive digital content. The agency provides social media marketing, web design, media planning and buying and creative media campaigns. FruitBowl Digital is headquartered in Mumbai, with additional locations in Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, Bangalore and Dubai.